Fiction Stories Are Wild Beasties Roaming the Back Lots of the Mind
Stories Are Untamed Beasties That Roam the Back Lots of Our Minds
Fiction stories are the untamed beasties that stalk along the back lots of our minds. Sometimes we can catch them with our imagination, if we’re fast. Sometimes we let them slink away unhindered, disappearing into the shadows in our minds, never to be apprehended again in our lifetimes. We mustn’t let them go—not the exotic, beautiful ones that makes us stop and stare with open mouths and bated breaths as we behold them. We need to capture those wonders upon tangible records with pen and paper or digital imprints.
Then we mustn’t rest and allow the visions to stifle and stagnate either. When they come out of hiding, we must give them life. One cannot wait on the logical progression of previous works or mortal business ways to dictate when the stories will burst into the light of day. Carpe diem is the key words. Carpe diem or the visions will visit you less and less and then not at all if they think you don’t appreciate them. And so, I must roam past the restricting bars of reason and free the other visions pacing restlessly back and forth behind the neuron jungles and trailing axiom vines in my mind. I’ve contracted a novella with Evernight Publishing and will unleash another Sci Fi Rom into the world before my first major work clears the publishing hurdles into this reality.
D. Martin