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A Salmon Swimming Upstream Just About Describes it--No, Wait--Salmon Sashimi...


I realized that this week marks the beginning of a roller coaster year in my publishing journey. July 2013 was the start of an elating time when my submission query caught an editor's discerning eye. Much novel editing ensued wherein I finally declared, 'Geez, I can't write!'

Much gratitude goes out to my kind editors, who talked me off the ledge! I learned oodles about the writing craft in a year. I also learned much about social media promotion. I'm still learning and can't say it appeals to me, because I'm a private person. But I've got a book to save--namely mine--and this is the 21st Century.

I got backtracked early in 2014 with a publishing house's collapse, and have signed with another. My days are filled with all things writerly, and networking. I'm still learning the writing craft and there are days when I feel like the proverbial salmon swimming upstream to get to it's spawning grounds. Most days in my writing/author quest, however, I just feel like salmon sashimi--flayed, filleted, sliced, and diced. On those particular days, I truly empathize with the main character of my SF romance. I treated the poor dear like fishbait in Book One of the Star Navigator Series (Hanna, I'm sorry!).

D. Martin


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